Monday, February 8, 2010

The First Triumphant Post

I write my first post with a taste of victory!

Ben and I just got back from Portland where we had been invited to a group interview by AEON (pronounced EE-on).

Here's how the process went:

Step 1.
We filled out the very simple on-line application, attached our resumes, and each wrote an essay telling why we wanted to teach and work in Japan. Relatively painless (except for the essay- ick!)


Step 2.
After reviewing our applications, AEON contacted us by e-mail asking us to reply if we were interested and able to come to an information session and group interview. We were asked to each bring another completed and signed form. We were also asked to each complete an original lesson plan that is to last for 30 minutes, but you only need to teach 5 minutes of it.


Step 3
We arrived at the information session with about 40 other applicants. Remember to dress professionally, like we did. See:

You would not believe the number of people who showed up in jeans, sneakers, and the latest emo fashion. Not to mention the number of people who neglected to brush their hair. Wear a suit! If you can't look like someone who can hold a professional job, you won't get to.

But off the rant...

The meeting basically reiterated the information that was included on the website. They showed a video that followed a few AEON employees around their apartments and jobs. We also viewed a few advertisements for AEON that are shown in Japan.* One of the recruiters (they were both past AEON teachers) showed us an example of a lesson that would be taught at an AEON school.

Once infused with information, the recruiters tested the applicants. They gave us a spelling test on 5 commonly misspelled words. The following questions dealt with commonly misused grammar and vocabulary rules. The back side of the test simply asked about preferences, what you like about the company, what you can bring to AEON, etc.

After the test was given, the applicants were given a time to come back from the lunch breaks for the group interviews.

*Note to hopeful applicants: these commercials are hilarious and corny. Many people laughed and it didn't reflect well on them.


Step 4
After our lunch break, we returned to the room to present the lessons that we had prepared. There were only six people in each group, but they ask that you are prepared for ten. One group of six sat in one corner of the room (in chairs) and another group of six sat in the other corner, the recruiters were in the middle of the groups. At first I thought that one recruiter watched one group and the other recruiter watched the other group. However, both recruiters make comments on each person's lessons.

My lesson plan involved prepositions. I used stuffed animals (that I had brought with me) and used them in relation to the chairs that I had assumed would be there. Ben's lesson was on directions and he handed out maps and toy cars for his activity. If I find out how, I'll upload these plans for you all to see.

Most people didn't bring props. Some brought pictures and many brought worksheets. However, remember that the goal is English conversation, so the worksheets only were received well if you had to communicate in order to fill it out.


Step 5
After the recruiters have seen all of the lessons, they leave the room and score the candidates. When they return, they have a stack of envelopes with the results. They asked us not to open the envelopes in front of the other candidates to spare feelings, I suppose. Once Ben and I had our envelopes we found a secluded area and opened our envelopes together. We had both received personal interviews! :)


Step 6
Time for the personal interview. My interviewer was extremely friendly and helpful. He boosted my confidence by telling me that I was the first candidate that he was interviewing who had already graduated- let alone had experience teaching! (I teach sixth grade,did I forget to mention it?)

First, we went over my lesson from the day before. Then, the interviewer gave me a new five-minute lesson to plan. He gave me 10 minutes to prepare the lesson to include as much natural conversation as possible. The lesson was to be on using 'I like to', 'I need to', and 'I want to'. He introduced me to a character that he would be returning as- a Japanese business man that had been my student for 2 months.

After my 10 minutes, he returned as my student and we spent a very awkward last minute because I had not prepared enough information to fill the whole five minutes.

After my lesson, he taught me the same lesson the way an AEON teacher would teach it. Then he asked me to teach it again.

Then I had to teach one last lesson, a child's lesson. This was much shorter, so I wasn't given ten minutes to prepare, just a few seconds to glance through it.

After the lessons, the interviewer asked me questions about my preferences and even brought up Ben. He asked whether Ben and I had discussed a few possibilities such as one of us getting hired and the other not, one getting placed before the other, and how far away we could be placed from each other.

I was really glad that he brought that up. AEON's website claims that they don't consider couples. However, it sounds like they do. They just don't place them exactly together in the same school or flat or even town. Scary!

Of course, there were also the standard interview questions about why you want to be a teacher, what you like about their company, where you see yourself in 5 years, what you would do in certain work-related scenarios, etc.


Step 7
Wait. Now we just wait to see if we make 'The List'. From there we may be taken off of the wait list and offered a position. But we won't even know if we've made the list for another month. I'll keep you posted!

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